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The fibre utilised for biofilter filling comes from of the mesocarp of the coconut. It is a very fibrous material, that it is necessary to sieve it for such to part the long fibres, that will be utilised for biofiltres. To be able to it utilise, it is necessary to moisten the material artificially. This process permits at the material expand and augment the surface of work.

BURÉS PROFESIONAL, S.A., it has developed the product coconut fibre biofilter from a melange of short fibres and very short of more coconut a posterior treatment at plant to obtain an able material to absorb the odoriferous compounds and other pollutants since the residual airflow. Free-living microorganisms that naturally proliferate on this organic material use these compounds as a source of nutrients and energy through aerobic decomposition.
This material suffers at our plant a process hydration and a posterior selection by means of sieved, at which obtains a fibrous fraction with some optimal characteristics for his utilisation as a biofiltre.
This processing increases the specific area of the material and some conditions of humidity that permit a more effective colonisation of the mode for part of the microorganisms.
On the other hand, at augmenting the specific area of the material of the bed of biofiltration, improves the creation of a gradient of concentration at its biofilm, that maintains a continual flux of mass, since the components of the gas until the biofilm humid.

This product can be used as a filling material, or as a layer of a multilayer biofiltration.
Biofiltration is a very versatile technique, able to treat odours (ammoniac…), toxic compounds and volatile organic compounds.
The efficiency of the treatment of this elements is higher than 90-95% for low contaminant concentration (<1.00ppm).
The biofilters offered by BURÉS PROFESIONAL, S.A. is a technological alternative respectful with the environment, with an effective control of the atmosphere’s and odours contamination. Some of its great advantages are the following:
• Simple technology and low application cost; economically available to all business.
• High efficiency of volatile contaminants and odoriferous complexes elimination.
• Odoriferous contamination control.
• Nearly null maintenance of the biofilter is required.
• Total decomposition of the contaminants without secondary products creation through the Biofiltering process.
• The filling material is organic, non toxic and biodegradable through composting once its useful life is over.

Once the useful life of the biofilter is exhausted, we take care of the management of organic or inorganic remains.

We are distributors in Spain, Portugal, France, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Tunisia, …

The fibre of coconut is an extremely light material (111kg / m³) and with a porosity of the 96%.
For his properties can be utilised at systems where the fibre of coconut is the only agent filtering. Can improve his properties, combining it with other materials like the heath, which increase the fluffiness. It is a material with a high odor adsorption rates.
To utilise it as a only agent filtering, is necessary to stir up the bed periodically to eschew it computation.
Have to create and maintain some physical conditions-chemical suitable, that permit the proliferation of it microbiota on the material of the bed. The essential parameters are temperature, pH, Humidity and quantity of nutrients.
The performance and the useful life of the biofiltre, is at function of the type of pollutant and of his mass charge, although BURÉS PROFESSIONAL, S. At., it recommends as a time of reliable use of the material of filling, among 3-5 dependent years of the ambient conditions. After this period the material used can be simply composted without any special treatment.
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