R & D

R&D in organic fertilizers, special substrates, odor biofilters and new fuels.

We maintain an outstanding level regarding the research and development of quality products, adapted to our customers’ needs and in accordance with the latest market trends, with prices adjusted to the quality of the product.

The latest advances in innovation (R&D&I) have enabled us to develop special substrates for roof gardens – substrates and composts that can be used in organic farming – and to move into sectors such as biomass and biofuels.

Technical Area

At Burés we offer all the advice and support necessary on the proper use of each of our products. The search for solutions and the tailored analysis of special situations enable us to have a more personalised relationship with the customers and to adapt to the situation that the market always requires.

The BURÉS PROFESIONAL technical and R&D&I department is made up of a highly qualified, multidiscipline team of Agronomic Engineers and Agricultural Technicians who have extensive, proven professional experience in the sphere of agriculture, gardening and environmental management.

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